Things worked on this week:
Support for date/time turned out to be rather tricky in Highcharts. The different date/time formats have to be converted into javascript 'date' type to have correct distance between them. Somehow using new Date(dateString) does not produce correct plots. Next I tried code snippet at , which a getDateFromFormat function which return the getTime of the date. So the difference of those getTime() can be a measure of distance between two dates. Will continue on on working on it this week.
Highcharts has an inbuilt zoom feature but not a panning feature. Also, the zoom feature utilizes the mouse click and drag events, so a pan cannot be used with those events. The code snippet at provides a method of implementing zoom(mousewheel) and pan(click and drag) manually. Currently I'm trying to integrate it within my code, there are some unresolved issues with use of setExtremes() functions.
- Using AJAX to get data row on point click.
- Better support for date/time objects
- Panning feature
Support for date/time turned out to be rather tricky in Highcharts. The different date/time formats have to be converted into javascript 'date' type to have correct distance between them. Somehow using new Date(dateString) does not produce correct plots. Next I tried code snippet at , which a getDateFromFormat function which return the getTime of the date. So the difference of those getTime() can be a measure of distance between two dates. Will continue on on working on it this week.
Highcharts has an inbuilt zoom feature but not a panning feature. Also, the zoom feature utilizes the mouse click and drag events, so a pan cannot be used with those events. The code snippet at provides a method of implementing zoom(mousewheel) and pan(click and drag) manually. Currently I'm trying to integrate it within my code, there are some unresolved issues with use of setExtremes() functions.
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