Sunday, 12 June 2011

GSoC 2011: Week 3

This week I have implemented the plotting feature using SVG. My task is to try and test out different plotting libraries for my requirements. So the things I did this week:
  • Implemented classes for the plot based on svg.
  • Classes for data objects.
  • Generating the plot for different data types.
  • Fixing some bugs and issues in the code.
  • Testing and changing the plot parameters to find some patterns on a database(sakila).
  • Reviewed tyrons work with about replacing pChart with highcharts.
  • Started work with highcharts for the plot.
The idea was to generate a plot such that some patterns could be revealed in the process. The user then drills down to search in detail. I also tried to look into the clickable points feature of plot in SVG, with <a> tags and jQuery, trying to implement something similar to image maps.

This week I'll try to implement the plot feature using highcharts and try out its features: zoom, image map and other features and decide upon the plotting library, SVG, highcharts or some other.

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